Petroleum Products Program

​Sacramento County’s Weights & Measures inspectors enforce the State laws and regulations for petroleum and automotive products. Inspectors routinely check the labeling on motor fuel dispensers and underground fuel storage tanks. The price signs are inspected for accuracy, size, and legibility. In general, these inspections are conducted simultaneously with the annual fuel pump accuracy inspections. Samples of petroleum products are also collected randomly to verify compliance with quality standards. Inspectors also ensure that the fueling stations comply with the requirements to provide refueling services to disabled drivers, as well as air and water to customers. 

    ​  image of gas pump showing prices of diesel and gas with buttons to choose your product        ​Station sign showing gas and disiel prices

 ​If you suspect there is a problem with a service station, fuel pump or fuel quality, please submit an online complaint form ​to let us know. ​​​

​Additional Resources: 


Agricultural Commissioner & Weights/Measures
4137 Branch Center Road (Map
Sacramento, CA 95827 
916-875-6603 or ​e-mail​

​Office Hours:

8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed from noon - 1 p.m.)