Division of Weights & Measures Update:
Any complaints related to price gouging, removal of item prices, questionable surcharges and unfair business practices by the retailers during a state of emergency can be filed as stated below:
Price Gouging: Penal Code section 396 prohibits raising the price of many consumer goods and services by more than 10% after an emergency has been declared. Review the Frequently Asked Questions about Price Gouging in California. The Attorney General's (AG) Office accepts
Price Gouging Complaints Online or by calling (800) 952-5225. Complaints can also be filed with Sacramento County District Attorney's Office using the
Consumer Fraud Complaint Form.
Removal of Item Prices: The item pricing laws in Civil Code (CC) Sections 7100-7106 are limited to retail grocery stores or grocery departments in a store, requiring at least 85% of the items priced (a shelf tag is acceptable), with certain exemptions. CC Section 7101 states that any person may bring an action to enjoin a violation of Section 7100. Enforcement of this law is through the Sacramento County District Attorney Office. Any complaints related to consumer fraud can be filed with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office by using
Consumer Fraud Complaint Form.
Questionable Surcharges/Unfair business practices: The Sacramento County District Attorney's Consumer Unit investigates and prosecutes unfair, fraudulent, and dishonest business practices which harm consumers and honest businesses. Any complaints related to questionable surcharges and unfair business practices can be filed with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office by using
Consumer Fraud Complaint Form.
Any other complaints pertaining to Sacramento County Weights & Measures can be filed by using the links below in the submit complaint section.

Submit Complaint: The Weights & Measures division provides assistance to consumers by responding to and resolving complaints. The investigation of consumer complaints is a priority. Complaints can be filed by calling 916-875-6603 or by submitting the relevant complaint form listed below.
Gas Station/Fuel Pump: Commercial fuel pumps, such as those in your local gasoline station, must function correctly to deliver the amount of fuel for which you are charged. Also, pricing at the pump should be clearly visible and match the pricing information displayed on signs. If you suspect there is a problem with a service station or fuel pump, submit an online Gas Station/Fuel Pump Complaint form.
Scanner/Overcharge: Despite the efforts made by stores to avoid violations, overcharges still occur. If overcharged, a shopper should bring the receipt to the attention of the manager. Any complaints related to an overcharge can be filed by calling our toll free number: 1-800-875-7226 or by submitting an
online Scanner/Overcharge Complaint form.
Scale/Meter/Label/Weighmaster: Commercial scales, meters, or packaging labels must meet accuracy standards. If you have a concern about a scale, meter, or the stated quantity statement of a packaged good, please submit an online Complaint form.
Register Your Business:
Weights and Measures
Additional Resources:
Agricultural Commissioner & Weights/Measures
4137 Branch Center Road (Map)
Sacramento, CA 95827
916-875-6603 or e-mail
Office Hours:
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed from noon - 1 p.m.)